Linshan Feng

Portrait von Linshan Feng
Linshan Feng
Innovation, Strategy and Transfer

Linshan Feng completed her Bacherlor's degree in biology at the Free University Berlin. In her Master's at Leiden University, she studied evolutionary biology and science communication and society. There, she conducted studies on plant microbiology and informal learning at arboreta.

Her interest in computer science developed through her work on an AI science communication white paper and her participation in the technology-, art-, and science program Festival University 2022 in Linz.

To further expand her knowledge in computer science topics and to contribute to the conversion of new technologies from research results, she started working as a researcher in the FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik department for spin-offs, ecosystems and transfer (IST-SET) in april 2023.

Headquarters Karlsruhe

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