Jacob Langner

Portrait von Jacob Langner
Jacob Langner
Department Manager
Embedded Systems and Sensors Engineering

Jacob Langner studied business informatics at the University of Rostock with a focus on database and information systems. In November 2016, he started working at the FZI as a research assistant in the "Embedded Systems and Sensors Engineering" (ESS) research department. In his research, he deals with the data-driven development support of highly automated driving functions. The focus is particularly on the evaluation and virtual application of these systems.
At the beginning of 2019, he became Vice Department Manager. Since May 2021, he has been responsible for Automotive Systems Engineering reserach group as Department Manager. In addition to methods for the verification and validation of automated driving functions, the core topics of the research group are the use of generative AI in systems engineering as well as methods for the development of AI systems and the handling of the necessary data.

Headquarters Karlsruhe


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