Research Projects

Take Part

Mixed reality platform for citizen participation in construction projects

Start: 12/2018

End: 08/2021

Large-scale public projects that are planned and implemented without active citizen participation can come under sustained pressure to legitimize themselves if the needs and demands of later users and those directly affected in the surrounding area are not sufficiently considered.

The aim of the Take Part project is therefore to bring public construction projects closer to the citizens in the planning phase using a cost-efficient mixed reality platform. The combination of virtual and augmented reality simplifies access to technically complex content through visualization and interaction. In addition, they are given the opportunity to contribute their own ideas or upload content in situ and thereby configure it.

On the one hand, this allows the acceptance of construction projects to be increased, and on the other structured feedback can be obtained that significantly enhances the project quality and efficiency of its implementation. Moreover, the platform enables the involvement of all stakeholders in order to avoid errors in the planning and implementation of measures as well as facilitate the eventual finding of compromises.

Within the project, the FZI is responsible for the requirements analysis, conceptual development of the participation modules, interim and final evaluations as well as the scientific support.


Dr. Jonas Fegert

Department Manager
Division: Information Process Engineering

Research focus

Digital Democracy and Participation

Im Mittelpunkt des Forschungsschwerpunkts Digital Democracy and Participation stehen inklusive, moderne und demokratische Formen digitaler Teilhabe sowie die Chancen und Herausforderungen der digitalen Demokratie.

Funding notice:
The Take Part project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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